SYNCHRONIUM LTD Companies and Ecosystems
Many new projects today are built on a personal guarantee without a foundation behind it. But today this is a product of a real software company with the Synchrobit office that we will review. In this case, the project becomes more profitable than the existing one. Synchronium stands as a software company with headquarters in the United Kingdom, America and many countries in the world. When you examine the website in detail, you can find many projects that they have realized on technology, industrial software, and omni projects. They also designed the ecosystem, and Synchrobit, which I will discuss today, is only one part of this ecosystem.

What is the Synchrobit Project ?
Designed as an ecosystem trading platform, Synchrobit is a hybrid platform where person-to-person (P2P) trading can be carried out. Synchrobit users will be able to trade fiat money or crypto money using the platform. With SynchroBrain ™ AI support , it aims to help users get the most out of the platform by reducing their risk. SynchroBrain ™ will provide data analysis support for AI users, enabling them to approach their trade from a more advanced perspective. At the same time, users can benefit from smart contracts.
What's the Problem of a Market Place? What is the Suggested Synchrobit Solution ?
- The main problem with Market Places is security. The founders of most trading platforms were in the shade, unknown and recognized by anyone, often only known by their nicknames. At the same time, on most platforms, all user investment is in the platform wallet, which is a major security issue. We witnessed the collapse of many platforms in 2019. Cryptopia and similar markets are disappearing with all user assets. Synchrobit is fully transparent and reliable thanks to the support of the company behind it. P2P Because this is a hybrid platform based on principle, user investment is always safe. Users can access their money anytime. All transactions provided by the Ethereum network can be monitored, allowing you to observe all wallet movements on Synchrobit.
- Another problem with the market is that there is little variation and as a result, users have to choose from very limited options. After integration is complete, many crypto values and currencies in the ecosystem will be processed.

- Another problem that we often encounter, especially in crypto currency trading platforms is the fact that users cannot use transactions like usdt or tusd. You can trade with fiat money on Synchrobit . When saving or withdrawing, you will be able to trade in fiat currencies if desired. At the same time, if you want to increase transactions on the platform (Margin trading) you will be able to increase your trading. The platform has been designed and you can even browse the website if desired.
- Investment support is a feature that is overlooked by most platforms. Cryptfolio ™ has been developed and presented to users for detailed analysis . We are talking about a system that is equipped with dynamics that will enable users to make profits by reading the market correctly. We also designed a program manager Percentage Allocation Portfolio (PAPM ™) for professional users on the platform .

- You must have experienced problems on many platforms related to customer service. Thanks to the Synchrobit professional communication team , you will be able to resolve your problem on the platform as soon as possible.
- One of the biggest expectations of users from the trading area is actually simplicity and ease of use. When you examine the Synchrobit trading area, you can see for yourself that the platform is made for people who don't have the technical knowledge to easily profit.
- Seconds are very important for traders. A few seconds delay can cause huge financial losses. The trading engine developed by Synchrobit, on the other hand, will have the capacity and ability to do more than one million transactions per second without problems. In this way, you will be able to manage your investment very quickly and instantly.

What is SNB Token?
This is a currency and investment tool that will be used in all areas of the platform, allowing you to make transactions on the platform at a very low cost. Trading transactions with SNB Tokens will be offered to users free of charge. Produced as an ERC-20 token based on smart contracts on the Ethereum network.
How Can I Invest?
If you plan to generate income by investing in the Synchrobit investment page , you can invest in the first round from 0.20 USD to 30 September. You must not be late because it will be arranged based on who comes first, is served first. The investment process will basically continue through different tours until December 28, 2019. We've talked about projects supported by many stock exchanges. After the investment process is complete, cooperation will be carried out with the community's main stock exchange and more people will be able to access it. In addition to fiat currencies such as Dollars, Euros, Pounds, you can also participate in the investment process with crypto currencies such as BTC-ETH-Zec-BCH-Xrp-USDT-LTC.
Who is the Project Team?
This team consists of experts in their fields and experts in blockchain technology. You can contact team members via LinkedIN or Twitter or get ideas by reviewing their CVs. The project team is introduced on the team tab with clear credentials.
Overall Rating:
Synchrobit is designed to be very transparent unlike many other projects.the project has become one of the promising projects in the future with the support of SYNCHRONIUM LTD. First of all, they don't sell dreams. It's easy and convincing to reach companies through their open addresses or telephone numbers. In addition, the CV of all team members seems to be sufficient to carry out the project. In the future, a platform that we often talk about is designed. I think the process will attract more users with Windows applications or Android and iOS applications that will be published soon. You can use the link that I will share with you to get more detailed information about the project. If you have questions or problems, don't hesitate to contact me and share your ideas. Sincere ..
Website: https://snbtoken.io/
Technical Document: https://snbtoken.io/images/wp.pdf
Bitcointalk Title: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5171896.new#new
Telegram : https://t.me/Synchronium
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SynchroniumLtd
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SynchroBit
Author : S5845MR
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