PIXBY is a blockchain-powered freelance market where creativity is given an award for everyone to show their abilities. We offer a one stop solution for people who are looking for freelancers to complete various types of tasks. PIXBY will operate through a combination of the PIXBYTOKEN API and other established software tools and applications, along with a decentralized Ethereum (Dapp) application that will execute PXB tokens, and minimize the need for intermediaries which makes the freelance market too expensive. In this case, it also uses a decentralized blockchain network as a means of payment infrastructure to provide royalties and gifts to all who support the system.
About PixbyToken
Pixbytoken (PXB) is purely a cryptocurrency version of the peer-2-peer utility. Based on the time-proven Ethereum network, the PXB token provides the ability to make online transactions smooth and easy - with maximum speed and unlimited scale. Therefore PXB functions as a utility token in the decentralized PIXBY market.
About PixbyToken
Type: ERC20
ICO Price: 0,000625 ETH
Simbol: PXB
Total Supply: 150M PXB
Minium Contribution: 0.5 ETH
Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC, USDT
Minium Contribution: 300 PXB
Smart Contract: 0xe8bad244f2a9881d3d7e826c5ec23e5391f3166c
Personal Pre-Sales
Starting - 31 Aug 2019 (12:00 AM GMT)
Number of tokens sold - 15,000,000 PXB (10%)
End - 15 Sep 2019 (12:00 AM GMT)
Min number of transactions - 300 PXB Accepted
currencies - ETH, BTC , USDT
Maximum number of transactions -
Bonus 1,000,000 PXB - 25%
Hard Cap - 63,375 ETH
Token exchange rate - 1 PXB = 0,000625 ETH - 1 ETH = 2000 PXB (including bonuses)
Public Pre-Sales
Starting - Sep 16, 2019 (12:00 AM GMT)
Number of tokens sold - 15,000,000 PXB (10%)
End - 30 SEPTEMBER 2019 (12:00 AM GMT)
Minimum transaction amount - 300 PXB Accepted
currencies - ETH, BTC , USDT
Maximum transaction amount
- 1,000,000 PXB bonus -
15% token exchange rate - 1 PXB = 0,000625 ETH - 1 ETH = 1840 PXB (including bonus)
Public Main Sales
Starting - 1 Oct 2019 (12:00 AM GMT)
Number of tokens sold - 66,000,000 PXB (44%)
End - 20 Oct 2019 (12:00 AM GMT)
Min number of transactions - 100 PXB Accepted
currencies - ETH, BTC , USDT
Max number of transactions - 3,000,000 PXB
bonus - 6%
exchange rate Token - 1 PXB = 0,000625 ETH - 1 ETH = 1696 PXB (including bonus)
Tutorial on how to buy PXB Tokens with Z-pay.io and get 1: 1 bonus
For a 1: 1 bonus, your contribution must be at least 500 PXB. We will ask for your order ID to validate your purchase.
Step 1. Navigate to https://z-pay.io/ico/pxb and click "Buy PIXBY"

Step 2. Enter your Eth address where you want to receive PXB. Next, choose one of the 4 preferred payment methods (ETH, BTC, LTC, DASH)
There are many wallet options out there, but one characteristic that you must always remember when choosing a wallet to accept PXB is that it supports the standard ERC20 token.

Step 4. Deposit funds and wait for confirmation.
The token will be issued after the required network confirmation number. Usually, it takes less than one minute to receive PXB into your wallet.

Crowd sales and our target
We want to create a platform where freelancers will be able to easily put their services in the form of goods that can be purchased in one click using cryptocurrency. Unlike other services already available, Pixby will be free and open to all, making the platform more friendly than others.
The PIXBY platform will be available for public access in early Q2 2020, and while Pixby is in development you have the opportunity to buy PXB tokens before anyone else, and also get a bonus.
Private Pre-Sale: August 31, 2019 (12:00 AM GMT) - Sep 15, 2019 (12:00 AM GMT)
Public Pre-Sales: 16 Sep 2019 (12:00 AM GMT) - 30 SEPTEMBER 2019 (12:00 AM GMT)
Public Key Sales: October 1, 2019 (12:00 AM GMT) - October 20, 2019 (12:00 AM GMT)
For more information you can visit this link:
Website: https://pixby.io/
Whitepaper: https://pixby.io/app/public/white-paper
Twitter: https: / / twitter.com/PixbyToken
Telegram: https://t.me/pixbytoken
Author : S5845MR
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