Need for Turbo
Need for Turbo je multichain igra za zaradu NFT Metaverse Racing igra na Ethereum i Binance Smart Chain. Možete voziti sami ili graditi timove i poboljšati svoje šanse za pobjedu. Igrajte način rada za jednog igrača kako biste testirali svoje vještine, igrajte se s prijateljima u privatnim sobama ili sudjelujte u javnim turnirima protiv drugih natjecatelja kako biste se popeli na ljestvici i zaradili Need for Turbo Coins (NFTC). Potrošite NFTC da biste prilagodili i prilagodili svoje avatare i karte temeljene na NFT-u pri čemu se dio potrošenih tokena vraća u zbir emisija kako bi ga igrači ponovno zaradili na turnirima.
The presale is separated into two stages. Users who complete tasks may take part in a whitelist presale and buy NFTC at a 10% discount. After the whitelist presale ends the public presale immediately follows where tokens can be bought for the actual launch price but without transaction fees. Finally will we launch on decentralized exchanges and go into the building phase.

An anti-bot mechanism is introduced shortly after launch to prevent bots from dumping on human investors. To guarantee a fair launch presale participants – who themselves can't get dumped because they got in at the lowest price – have a delay after launch before they are allowed to claim their tokens, however, they still earn reflections all the time.
Need for Turbo Coin passes two phases. In the first phase, the building phase, a 10% fee is charged on every transaction on Uniswap and PancakeSwap. 40% of the fee is distributed to holders (Auto Reflection) which leads to an even bigger incentive to get other investors on board. 30% is automatically burned, thus increasing the liquidity ratio (Auto LP) and the price. 20% is reserved for marketing (advertisements, campaigns, contests, giveaways/airdrops and listings) and the remaining 10% goes into the development wallet to cover costs (employees, audits and servers).
In the utility phase NFTC becomes a sole utility token for the Need for Turbo racing game, the fee gets removed and the token officially launches on centralized exchanges.
Since we collect funds during the building phase we do not reserve a team share of NFTC, instead we distribute all tokens in a presale. The total supply of NFTC is not defined before launch because there's neither a soft nor a hard cap and no limits for the presale, the full amount of USD collected during the sale on each chain is added as liquidity and defines the amount of tokens to mint. The LP tokens are time locked which allows us to migrate liquidity in the future but not without investors taking note of it.

JAN 2022
● Craft white paper v1
● Develop contract
● Deploy on testnet and debug
● Commit source code on GitHub
FEB 2022
● Publish website & game trailer
● Audit
● Deploy on mainnets
● Verify on Etherscan & BscScan
● Start marketing
● Whitelist presale
● Public presale
● Launch on decentralized exchanges & time lock liquidity
● Add logo & price (TrustWallet, Uniswap, PancakeSwap, DEXTools, PooCoin, Etherscan & BscScan)
● List on CoinMarketCap
● List on CoinGecko
● List on Coinbase (data and chart)
● Enable anti-bot mechanism
● Release presale tokens
MAR 2022
● Uklonite naknade
● Otpustite multichain bridge
● Objavite dokumentaciju igre
● Oslobodite NFT shop
● Izdajte beta igru za stolna računala, Android i iOS
● Ugostite prvi javni trkaći turnir
● Popis na centraliziranim burzama
● Objavite plan za drugo tromjesečje
Kontakt informacije
Web stranica:
Bijela knjiga:
Bitcointalk korisničko ime: Federico Valverde
BitcoinTalk URL profila:;u=2852549
Telegram Korisničko ime: @FedericoValverde3
Adresa novčanika: 0xbFa864138a2dBC6c77B5CB6e916D6b6c1eCDc9F7
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